
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Yarn Along

I'm so happy to be joining Small Thing's Yarn Along again this week.  I really missed being able to participate while we were in PA for my sister in law's wedding and visiting family for 2 and a half weeks.  I wrote an update on my knitting and crocheting for "Knit for Japan" earlier this week (it can be found here if you're interested.)  Thankfully since then I have finished the in progress washcloth, started and finished a second one in that size and started a child sized one.  I expect to finish the one that is in progress and have the chance to sew up the crocheted hat.

That's all the knitting and crocheting going on around here until after I finish the remaining WIPs in this donation pile and ship out this pile (probably Sat.)  No reading aside from children's be honest I'm in the midst of doing quite the opposite of reading lately... With the addition of another move next year I'm trying to part with everything I can force myself to part with... I fought myself for a few hours and added several of my beloved textbooks to my husband's pile of text book donations to NCSU... not my science ones mind you... I plan to be buried with those (I'm only half joking really...)  This next move will be our 5th move in 5.5 years...... To be honest that alone is making me feel stressed out.  Someone joked with me that we're like a military family... but I know military families.. the military tends to do the packing and moving for you.  As much as I hate having people touch my stuff I know they do it the right way and that there's insurance if something gets broken..  It doesn't work that way when it's just you and your husband trying to do it all.  With not even having 1 person to help us move boxes or furniture and being on the 3rd floor we're going to have to hire someone to come and help us move everything out (we did it for the first time moving in here and my goodness it's such a huge help.)  No clue on where we're moving... I keep crossing my fingers for Ithaca NY (Cornell)... but it could be as small of a move as 20 miles for Duke or Chapel Hill.... or it could be Virginia... or Ohio... or Massachusetts...  Yeah, I'd really like to have a clue.  We should know by mid Jan '12 (moving in May '12)... I suppose it beats the last move where we had less than 6 weeks of notice to find a place to live, celebrate the Christmas holiday, pack up and move several hundred miles away.  At least this time I know it "should" be the last major move for a while... though I said that about 6 months ago when I thought my husband was going to continue getting great financial aid and be able to double major.  This time it's for his graduate degree (he's heading right for his PHD from his BA in Chemistry that was originally supposed to be two BSs one in Chemistry and one in Physics-- yeah, he's a smarty) so if everything goes well we SHOULD be staying put or at worst moving a few miles to a different apartment.... you know.. close enough that I could at least drive back and forth easily.


  1. woow, good luck with the moving - but you still have quite a bit of time to get ready so just enjoy the summer :)

  2. wow, good luck with the move.I can only imagine ho wstressful it is to not know where you are going.

  3. Good luck with the move! I moved that frequently when I was in school, but I didn't have a little one to care for. I can't imagine how stressful that must be! I hear you about the stress of parting with books....I only do it when I have to. Have a lovely weekend!

  4. Thanks everyone! I know it's a bit early to stress over a move.. but when you're life has kind of been flying by the seat of your pants for the past 5 years it's difficult to just calm down and enjoy life as it comes. Children need some level of consistency and I'm struggling to provide that right now. I feel like I need to start packing now so that we don't have a stressful move like the last 4. The first one wasn't so bad, but we didn't have our son or our dogs. I think I'm most worried about the dogs with this move. They're both super anxious and so easily frightened... they're not going to handle things being moved around them well.
