
Thursday, June 30, 2011

I learned something today.....

I still have about 10 boxes that need to be unpacked... and although I have tried to peek through them all I cannot for the life of me find my little recipe box.  I'm not a following recipe kinda gal for the most part... Sauces, casseroles and soups I can just follow my nose and eye to get them to turn out well (most of the time.)  However, when it comes to something baking related, I don't do it often enough to just start throwing things in bowls and have it come out properly.  Tonight when I came to the realization that we had some left over potato pieces (mostly skins), some cooked veggies, pasta sauce, cheese (for once!),  peanut butter (no bread) and some baking ingredients... I decided on a veggie pizza.   Homemade crust (which I've made plenty of times... just not in the last 7 months.) is easy... but I just couldn't recall the ratios....   So I called to my husband from the kitchen "Look up a pizza dough crust for me.  Oil, yeast, water, sugar, flour as the ingredients."  Well, he was only half paying attention and apparently believes all cooking is a breeze.  So he reads out some measurements... 4 1/2 cups of flour... 1 3/4ths tsp salt (which he read as thirteen fourths and started calculating  and spouting out how many tsps that would actually equal.. sometimes Mr. Smarty is a little special) and so on.  I followed his directions, corrected him on the salt measurement but he told me ice cold water to go with the yeast I stopped.  "That can't be right", I said.  Well it was right.... only this recipe calls for being refrigerated over night, pulled out for 2 hours, rolled out, sit for another 2 hours and then cooked on a kind of pan I don't have in a completely different oven from what we have.  *Blank stare at husband*  I could have sworn I said look up a simple recipe...   I refuse to waste the 4.5 cups of flour... and I could swear there's probably SUPPOSED to be some amount of sugar in it even if it's only a tad......but I have some super fancy special pizza dough that will probably be done by sometime next century.  Ok yes, I'm probably being a bit dramatic and it will be more like tomorrow but I blame it on a dinner of peanut-butter on celery and some left over pieces of potato skin (not fancy potato skins mind you.. just the brown kind that surround the potato, even I had to pull out the ketchup.) It probably wont wind up turning out terrifically but if it's edible, I will be happy!

So yes, I learned something tonight... when it comes to cooking... don't trust second hand directions....

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