
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Trying, trying, trying

Trying to keep the broken crayon population to a minimum....

I have to say my lousy picture taking skills don't nearly do them justice... They turned out beautifully!

Another batch.. just as nice.. but I was a bit over-zealous getting them into the freezer and did so before they were set.  I think DS may like the broken one even more because it's pointer than the rest.  I'm wishing I had held out and kept trying to find a star-mold because there are more easy to use points on them.. but the hearts are cute and my cutey likes them!

My little one trying out the new doggie bed with his best friend Lo-Lo the bunny puppet.  I just managed to click this shot before he moved Lo-Lo to block his entire face!  We watched an episode of Dogtown on Netflix this evening and it really broke my heart... Come on come on dog rescue.. call me in the morning.  We have a loving family just waiting for a furry little baby to love...

I've really been feeling the need for tea lately.  My mom must have known and brought this along as a birthday present for me.  It is NOT the decaffeinated one.. no wonder I've been feeling so good after drinking it!  However, that may also be the reason I couldn't get back to sleep last night after DS's wakefull eczema scratch fest.. I was wide awake from 1AM-6AM.  By some miracle DS decided to sleep until 11AM!!!  I don't believe that has EVER happened.  Of course DH is feeling under the weather and I have been feeling some pre-cold symptoms that I've been trying to blame on "dry air".. maybe all 3 of us are about to embark on our first North Carolina cold!

Some candle making commenced this week.  Left over unburnt pieces from candles were melted down into almost full votive size.  Local (to where I was living in PA) beeswax on the left (brownish/yellowy color) and some cinnamon Christmas candle(red on right) wax that my mom gave to me.  At some point the wicks drowned so she gave me the tin (the candles are sitting on the lid to this tin)and all to upcycle.  I've already managed to burn down these candles.. of course I still somehow managed to have some wax left over.. it smells way too nice to just toss in the trash so the next votive will be a mix of the two.  I'm sure I'm somehow doing something against the rules.. heck maybe I'm polluting my house while obsessively burning all my excess wax drippings.  I will have to do a little research on that.  I try to avoid artificial fragrances because of the damage they do to your body.. I'd hate to find out my waste-not-want-not-ing is actually hurting us.  Speaking of waste not want not.. like the crystal bowl? One of my favorite thrift store finds.. it's good quality crystal that I found for under a dollar! 

My mom brought something else naughty along aside from wax and tea to keep me busy.  She also brought me a giant bag of yarn, what is left over from her last bout of crocheting addiction before she went back to work when I was little.  She also gave me an extra crochet hook she had and taught me how to do some crocheting.  I have to admit I'm not very good.  The uneven "thing" above is my first rows.. the below less uneven, bumpy thing with the crochet hook popping out is my first project.  DH made his first handmade request.. He wants a blanket that is big enough for our bed....  I don't think he has ANY clue how much work that is and what a massive undertaking that is for someone who has been crocheting less than 4 days!  He never asks me to make him anything.. so I'm on it!  I was stunned to find two skeins of yarn didn't last much more than 5 rows! 
HOLY CRAP BATMAN! I only have so much time in a day to sneak in some crocheting.  At this rate I might be done by Christmas 2020.  This project of projects did lead to an awfully wonderful evening though.  Finding out that there is no way the 5 or so skeins of white yarn were going to make a blanket big enough for our bed I decided a trip to A.C.Moore was in order.  Because it is "his" blanket I made DH go along.  He agreed to the cheapest option which happened to be light blue and white.  He didn't realize until we were on our way home that it is the colors of his school's RIVALS!  He did origionally ask for white and red but I told him the red would bleed and it would be come pink and red.  We choose cream at first when we got to the store but then did the math and realized the light blue was the cheaper option.  I *did* have a nice (cheap) set of crochet hooks in my basket to use my 40% off coupon on.. but then we walked by the Thomas train set that was meant for children to play with in the store and DS was bullied a bit by an UNATTENDED little boy not much older than him when he tried to play.  I think the unattended part bothers me more than the bullying part.  Anyway, that just made me turn around, put the hooks back and I picked out Toby the train who came out to be just a little over $5 after the coupon.  DS plays with his little wooden Thomas trains that have magnets attached to them for hours every day.  He likes to ask me about the other trains he has seen on the movie.  His favorites to ask for are Gordon, Henry and Toby, so when I saw them and saw how calmly he reacted to the bratty little munchkin in the store I decided my gift card would be better spent on my little man. 

Considering a new toy was directly followed by pizza across the street, DS was a very happy little boy!  We rarely eat out since we really can't afford to, but a great coupon and some birthday money made tonight a really special night for DS and I.  I can't say for sure but I think DH enjoyed himself too.. it was hard to tell with all the whining about how he was getting sick.  Men are such babies!

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