
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Finding Inspiration

Having just moved 8 hours from our last home I am truly seeing how much crafting "stuff" I really have and am feeling kind of sad about it!  I have so much inspiration (from magazines, books and even worse online crafting blogs!!) but not time or emotional energy to really jump head first into a project.  Of course part of my problem is all my "great" ideas cost a lot to get started.  I finally found myself some crafty friends (who were also moms) that I could share supplies with and then moved a few hundred miles away from them!  What was I thinking?!?  

Well I suppose what I was thinking is obvious... "Support the one who supports you."  Long story short my Einstein husband is finishing his degree here which will take a minimum of 3-5 years and here is where best education for the least money out of pocket was.  So with less than 5 weeks notice I packed my son, husband and I up and we moved ourselves into what feels like a new world.  Our new world of upscale stores, friendly people and roads with barely any traffic.  I wish I could say that this new world includes my husband being at home with us a few hours every day but starting tonight it goes back to the normal.  DH managed to snag a part time over night job and has his paid orientation there this evening added to the more than full course load at his university. 

DH leaves early in the morning, normally before our little guy wakes up and before I can manage to drag my very tired mommy behind out of bed.  Most nights I expect him to come home from school, eat and go directly to bed so he can re-awake in a few hours to head to work.  Before moving to our "new world" two weeks ago DH left before we awoke and returned sometimes after the little one was in bed for the night.  Considering our little night owl rarely goes to sleep before 11PM that is saying something.  I worry about DH being drained and over-worked.  I feel over-worked from doing everything on my own all day every day but a bit on the useless side just because I am not a source of income for the Kiwi Circus.  And of course with a little one things are never nearly as neat and tidy as one hopes.  Tiny fingers leave grimy marks everywhere they go and get into things they shouldn't leaving crumbs and debris everywhere.  Seriously, I could vacuum 6 or 7 times a day and STILL not have a crumb free carpet. The daily upkeep and lack of sleep and contact with other adults make me feel like I need therapy.  Not psycho-therapy.. CRAFT THERAPY!

So why have I told you all of this?  Who cares?  Well, I hope to use this blog to air some of my crafting addiction.  I know there are many others out there who share my passion for all things hand made!  I also feel like keeping a blog of my goals and accomplishments will keep me honest and working to meet my goals instead of allowing my affliction of acute procrastination to take over.  

Since I didn't make a New Years Resolution I figure I should make a goal for not just this year but for perhaps weeks and months at a time.  From silly simple things such as keeping our broken crayons under control to learning new crafts to weight loss goals. 

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