
Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Yarn Along

Joining Small Thing's Yarn Along again this week!

I forced myself to attempt to be social with the moms in my mom's group outside of playdates this past week.  That's really not a normal thing for me... I HATE leaving my little guy at home.. even when I know he's just having fun playing with daddy and barely missing me!  Anyway, I chose to go to a crafting and coupon swap.  I got a LOT of work done on one of my projects... mostly because I was so anxious I barely spoke and just concentrated on what I was doing and speaking when spoken to.  I finished the body of the large gnome I started last week.  

The giant gnome came out "ok".. I think I like the smaller ones better.  He still needs arms and unfortunately I need longer needles to manage the hat..  A mom at the craft night said she has some circular needles that were willed to her that she was planning on donating since she already has too many.  She said she would bring to the next craft night for me.  I was so surprised by her generosity and am very thankful to her.  I wonder if she knows she's fueling my knitting addiction :-)  It will be so nice to be able to finish projects that I don't have the right size/length needle for!  My mom also mentioned my aunt sent her old straight needles that she used to make socks for her late husband with that she no longer needs...  At this rate I'm going to have more needles than yarn!  

I had another nice surprise when I went to organize my remaining yarn.  I was pleasantly surprised by 2 (and a partial) skeins of cotton yarn. I'm down to about 1 and a half at this point.  I love cotton yarn!!!  I started knitting up some more child wash cloths for my etsy shop (no, I haven't listed anything yet.. hoping to by the end of next week!)  The first two came out quite well.. I don't remember liking this yarn as much when I made things for Knit for Japan but I really like the way it came out this time.  I love aqua and green/blues. 

I don't even know where my book got to... Between the craft night, company, mall walking with a new friend and a couple of "THOSE" days with my little guy and our one dog having (spiteful) "accidents".. I've barely had a chance to keep on top of my laundry (it didn't help with Pip relieving himself on a big stack of clean laundry.)  Yet somehow I find time to knit...... hmm..  My priorities are a little backwards sometimes. 

For those of you following my weight updates...  I'm about equal with last week.. maybe a pound down but since weight fluctuates so much during one day.. I don't really consider that a loss.  I went on my first mall walk with a friend today (and we're planning on going a few times a week) to get in some exercise with free AC and I have started swimming a few days a week.  Diet is still about the same.. though I'm pretty sure I went a little over my goal a few different days.  Why do cashews have to be so addictive (and high in calorie)???!  I also made vegetarian taco salad ... darn cheese and sour cream!  Since we nearly always eat vegan I know it's just a once-in-a-while meal but it's still guilt inducing (and delicious!)


  1. I tend to be a listener too when first meeting people. I do love to get out from time to time without my kids it is a need break (for me)every now and then. I find when I come back home I'm renewed and that is good for everyone:)

    Love the colors you are using in your projects.

  2. That's what all the other moms I talk to about going out for "me" time say..that hey come back refreshed. Me, I worry the entire time and feel more stressed by the time I get home!
