
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Yarn Along

Joining in on Small Thing's Yarn Along again this week.

Since last week the never ending blanket has received a few more rows and I'm now ready to move onto the next stripe of color.  I know I would loose count after about 2 minutes if I ever tried, but I'd like to know how many stitches are in each row.  I get so sick of seeing the same color over and over again that I'm always relieved to go to the next stripe color.  I realized on about the last row of this past stripe that I must have some how purchased the wrong yarn and did nearly an entire stripe with the wrong yarn!  Considering that stripe took me about 3 months to get through with all the other things I had going.... it's going to stay incorrect.  This blanket was the first crocheted thing I ever started so I know the beginning is all wonky anyway.  It's a blanket... that has already started showing the signs of being in a house full of dogs and a little boy (how did finger paint make it to the carpet and the blanket????).  My husband warns me that he plans to sit wrapped in it while he studies and eats and he plans to make a horrible mess of it... so I'm not stressing how perfect it is and trying not to think about how much yarn (money) and time have gone into this darn thing.  Some days I'm ready to fasten it off and give it to my husband to start abusing.  He says he'd happily wrap it around himself like a mummy (it's current shape and size would be similar to a giant scarf.)

I knitted up a few trial baby wash cloths in attempts of making a "perfect" one so that I could make a set of matching baby wash cloths and create a little bath set for a gift.  So many "friends" are currently expecting and I would like to have something to give them.  So far out of the 3 I've made they're all different.. I keep buggering up the edges.  I'll accidentally do too many knit row on one edge and too few on the next.  I fear I'll never get out of the basic stockinette or knit projects... no fancy edges... just lucky if I manage to get the edges even.  I'm somewhat jealous of other people's posts about "nap time knitting" or knitting after their child goes to bed.  On the other hand I kind of like that he's always awake and here with me.  If he was sleeping a lot, I'd be alone with my thoughts more. My little guy sleeps very little (no naps and we're lucky for him to sleep 8 hours through the night) so all of my knitting is with him racing around and sometimes physically pulling my work out of my hands so he can climb into my lap (or onto my head.. which ever he's feeling like doing.)  I've been pulling some very late nights to get ontop of my house work and some other crafting projects other than knitting... some days I feel like I can barely see straight... no surprise that my knitting isn't perfect.  The adults in this home are extremely stressed... extremely.  I wont bore you with the details
Spot bot and potty in the background... Thankfully the spot bot is only out because of a dog getting sick.. Alex hasn't had an accident in quite a while!!
No major reading again this week unless you count the hours of children's books reading and pulling out my anatomy books to help my husband with something for one of his classes.  It's rare that I'm able to help him with something.  For the most part, I've been too concentrated on what I've been doing around the apartment to do any real reading.  I did happen to watch a documentary during some of my alone time that I HIGHLY recommend.  It's called My Flesh and Blood (it's on netflix) and it follows single mom who raises 9 (?) special needs children that she has adopted for a year.  It's a tear jerker for sure.  I've always wanted to adopt and have considered adopting a special needs child, so to me it was very interesting. It is extremely sad... but worth watching in my opinion.  I got so into it that I barely got any knitting done. It reminded me of the six years I spent working in an alternative school program.. not necessarily in a good way, but it's always nice (in a way) to be reminded of how good I have it and how lucky I am.


  1. The documentary looks amazing. I will check it out one of these days that I get a quiet, teen free, afternoon. She complains if I watch stuff like that when she's home. The yarn work looks great... keep it up!

  2. It's definitely a child free time kind of documentary.. there's a lot of profanity and death in it.

  3. I can't tell that there is a wrong color stripe in there. I totally agree that even the small act of changing stripe colors can help to re-motivate!

  4. It's actually not the wrong color. It's the same color, same brand.. just a slightly different yarn. I didn't have the tag with me from the last skein and I just grabbed one out of where I remembered them being..perhaps someone put one back in the wrong place or I had a moment of forgetfulness. If you looked at the strands next to each other they would look nearly identical.. they're just a slightly different weight and texture. Even with the promise of a new color to work with I've lost the motivation on this project. It's not one of those where I can tell myself "well if you work on it really hard for a few weeks it will be done." It's one of those.. if I spend every spare second from now till Christmas it "might" be done. I'm thinking about trying some new stitch patterns this weekend and doing some dish/wash cloths. I'm really tired of knitting squares though too!
