We are very happy to have our two furry little additions to our home. These furry little bundles of joy had a rough start to life. My best guess is that they were puppy mill pups then purchased by a lab to test flea and tick medications. Their ears and bellies are tattooed with some sort of id number that suggests that their birth date is in 2009 making them two years old or close to it. PETA intervened with the lab due to poor conditions and care of the animals being tested on and removed over one HUNDRED dogs from their facility last year. For the past year a family in Raliegh fostered these two through TRIbeagle rescue that saved many of these dogs and put them into foster homes. I'm not necessarily against animal testing.. something that would surprise probably anyone who knows me and knows how much I love animals. I would obviously rather a different kind of animal be tested on... my suggestion inmates behind bars for life. At any rate.. to use flea and tick medications they DO have to eventually be tested on the subject they are meant for... just as medical interventions have to eventually be tested on humans before they become accepted methods of care. However, that does not excuse poor treatment of test subjects human, animal or otherwise.. If you're testing on a plant you have to treat it well enough so that it does not die or fail to thrive.. otherwise your test subject isn't going to put out sufficient information that gives accurate results. If that alone isn't enough of a reason to properly treat test animals, I don't know what is!
Anyway, enough of that rant. We are very happy to have our boys with us. It makes me sad to see how skiddish they are and how any quick movement or noise seems to terrify them. It doesn't stop them from bonding with us at times but they're still having trouble coming to us when we want to take them outside.. they seem afraid of being put on their leashes and being the escape artists beagles tend to be they are difficult to catch when they get loose. In a matter of the 4 days they have been with us the one managed to get loose twice when my husband was walking them.
The culprit.... |
DS makes their adjustment all the more difficult. Although the boys are used to small children as their foster family had 3 or 4 children, my DS is so overly excited about having them he chases them and tries to make a game of tag out of the chase.. Needless to say the boys are not a fan of being tackled, hit unintentionally and loved to death by a little boy. Having three two-year-olds between DS and the two furry boys is enough to make me pull my hair out, yet I don't feel nearly as frustrated as I did some days when I only had one two-year-old to deal with. Something about having all the activity in our home makes it feel more like home. Not that I necessarily enjoy THREE "children" crying through out the night and three sets of "bathroom" incidents.. a bad case of diaper rash and more dirty diapers than one can count in a day from one.. and multiple "accidents" in the form of legs lifting on my furniture and random instances of # 2 on my carpet... but it doesn't inspire anger or frustration which I cannot exactly explain why. For some reason I even laughed when "my" boy lifted his leg on my spot bot cleaner which has been my best friend the past few days.. You would think having to scrub the carpet multiple times a day, running up and down 3 flights of stairs sometimes multiple times an hour, being kept awake by whining (as well as accidents and random items being chewed up) at night and having DS wake crying over his sore behind after only an hour or two of sleep would make me crazy.. Maybe I'm just delirious with no sleep!
"My" boy.. DH seems to favor our pup in blue |
The bane of my existence... |
Considering our apartment is to be inspected tomorrow, I know I need to get working on the condition of our apartment today.. Of course with above mentioned two-year-olds.... my time would be better spent sticking a fork into an electrical outlet.